Jikiden Reiki healing

Jikiden Reiki (pronounced Ji-Key-Den Ray-Key) is a profound system of holistic healing, that promotes deep relaxation and enhances the body's natural healing systems. A Japanese hand healing art that is safe, simple and effective. Reiki works on our mind, body and spirit in a positive way, to bring health and happiness from within... for our Achievable Wellbeing. 
Lying or sitting you remain fully dressed… with hands placed gently on your body. 
The word Reiki is Japanese Rei = Spiritual energy from the Universe  氣 Ki = life-force energy.
Reiki practitioners are able to concentrate and channel this Universal life energy... Reiki simply flows through their hands to the body they are touching.  Reiki is both the name of the energy and the healing method founded by Mikao Usui in 1922.
Jikiden Reiki is Authentic Japanese Reiki as founded by Mikao Usui... passed down to the Yamaguchi family
Jikiden Reiki healing treatments are safe, simple and effective, they focus on the removal of Byosen = accumulated toxins, from the body and releasing energy blocks, so your Ki can flow freely. This miraculous method heals your mind, body and soul simultaneously... healing you from the insides out, for your Achievable WellBeing. 
Debbie-Ann Champion has over 10 years experience as a Jikiden Reiki Shihan (teacher & practitioner) and is registered with the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto. She is a retired nurse and a fully qualified and insured holistic therapist registered with the FHT and the CNHC, regulated by the Professional Standards Authority. Jikiden Reiki healing treatments are given in person, at the Achievable WellBeing studio in Luxulyan, Cornwall.

Benefits of Jikiden Reiki treatment

  • Accelerates Your Body’s Natural Healing Ability
  • Induces states of deep relaxation... Releasing stress and tension
  • Stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation... Speeding up toxin removal
  • Supports your recovery from any illness and/or injury
  • Boosts the immune system… Building Resilience
  • Moving out of Unwanted habits... Quitting those Addictions
  • Effective for Achievable WellBeing of Mind and Body
Debbie-Ann also has experience of using Jikiden Reiki to support
  • people following surgery… including cancer patients
  • disabled clients and children with special educational needs at Doubletrees School


What's involved in a Jikiden Reiki treatment?

A hands-on Jikiden Reiki treatment session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes

Firstly we talk about your health and lifestyle and why you would like some Reiki healing. Debbie-Ann makes a note of your medical history and any medication you are taking, please write them down if you are taking several and bring this list with you. All details are held in the strictest confidence. 

Lying or sitting, you remain fully dressed... with hands placed gently on your body.

You will be asked to remove your shoes and lie on a treatment couch, with pillows and blankets placed for your support and comfort. It's a good idea to wear something comfortable, that's not too tight around the neck or waist so you can relax... 

The session starts hands are place on your head for quite a while and then on your feet… this produces a flow of Reiki throughout your body. 

A Jikiden Reiki session induces a state of deep relaxation in mind & body, creating a calm breathing space... 

There are no “Set hand positions” or sequences to follow…  my hands are placed where the Byosen (toxin) levels are highest, to focus Reiki where it is needed most, interpreting the sensations felt in the hands... to get fast and effective results.  To help speed up the release of toxins settled in muscles and joints… Debbie-Ann may gently squeeze, rub or pat areas of your body; naturally after talking about this with your first. 

Occasionally, deeply held emotions may rise up, or physical symptoms may briefly feel worse, but this is a sign of the healing process is really working and then things really improve... 

You may experience a variety of sensations as the Reiki flows, the most common of which is a sense of heat and you may also notice tingling or cool sensations, or you may not feel anything at the time... there are no right or wrong sensations or feelings to experience, each person is unique.

The session ends with a short Kekko… which can best be described as a light massage; it’s a traditional Reiki technique that stimulates your blood and lymphatic circulation, to speedily eliminate those toxins from the body and completes the restorative work.  It only takes a few minutes… but it is a great way to end your session… along with a drink of water and if you wish, we can discuss your session and plan a course of treatments.

There is also a technique which works directly on the mind, a traditional method created by Usui Sensei.

An effective treatment for working on these emotional issues is Seiheki Chiryo... it can help get to the heart of the situation and without having to go into lengthy discussion.  It has also been used for deep-rooted traumatic experiences… It can also help where addiction and unwanted fears and phobias are holding people back... helping the person to break the cycle and move on in life.

This treatment method can be also used by people who would like to treat themselves, who do not want to even discuss the situation with anyone else… It is taught at the Okuden Level of Jikiden Reiki


Jikiden Reiki with Debbie-Ann

Are available by APPOINTMENT ONLY

At The Achievable WellBeing Studio, Luxulyan, Cornwall:  
Tuesday & Thursday  10am – 7pm
  • First Treatment Session: 90 minutes £40 – We discuss your specific needs and agree a treatment plan.
  • Further single sessions 90 minutes £40
  • THREE Jikiden Reiki Sessions, Booked & Paid in Advance £100 
Contact Debbie-Ann today on 01726 852 891 or email if you prefer…
Payment –  is by Cash or Gift Voucher and is strictly net … at time of session.
CANCELLATIONS – Please give 24 hours notice to cancel or rearrange an appointment… this gives me the chance to offer the session on to someone else.
I reserve the right to charge the full session rate, if you fail to attend without 24hrs notice of cancellation.
Please contact Debbie-Ann to book a session by email or telephone if you’d like to have a chat first… so we can discuss your specific needs and treatment plan.


Jikiden Reiki sent by Debbie-Ann 

Distant healing can also be sent to a person, anywhere in the world. Usui Sensei called this method Enkaku Reiki.

Are available by APPOINTMENT ONLY 

(That is at an agreed time that works for us both)

Please contact Debbie-Ann to book a session by email or telephone if you’d like to have a chat first… so we can discuss your specific needs and treatment plan.

  • First Treatment Session: 90 minutes £40 – We discuss your specific needs and agree a treatment plan.
  • Further single sessions 90 minutes £40
  • THREE Jikiden Reiki Sessions, Booked & Paid in Advance £100 
Contact Debbie-Ann today on 01726 852 891 or email if you prefer…
Payment –  Prior to the session is by Cash or Gift Voucher